Irfan Khan

Company Agent at Loyaty Real Estate

  • Agent License: 090-0348-8346
  • Service Areas: GTA, Toronto
  • Specialties: Property management, Real estate development, Real estate appraising, Retail leasing, Apartment brokerage

Property Types

  • 29% Single Family Home
  • 29% Apartment
  • 21% Studio
  • 21% Other

Property Status

  • 54% For Rent
  • 46% For Sale

Property Cities

  • 57% Chicago
  • 21% New York
  • 7% Milton
  • 14% Other

About Irfan Khan

At some point in our life one way or another real estate plays a very important role. However, buying and selling real estate may get really complex at its depth. As a professional realtor, I take serious interest in understanding real estate cycle, business cycle, economic down turns, economic up-ward trends, investor perspectives, supply/demand forces, property values and value to a seller and buyer in general. To me it is a never-ending delight that by no means will ever die! Not only do I practice real estate, I teach it as well to help build careers and provide guidance to our future realtors. Real estate is not just a profession to me, it is also my Passion!

Language: English,

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    Professional service

    Nam congue nisi eu orci laoreet, nec tristique dolor scelerisque. Aenean mauris sem, commodo et accumsan ac, dictum vitae sem. Sed bibendum nunc neque, in auctor enim ultricies nec. Proin ornare nibh libero, id euismod nulla aliquam et. Nam eget augue ut dolor sagittis feugiat. Nullam et nibh id lacus mollis laoreet eu et mi.

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